Food Of Life 百味人生 - EP1
46 Mins
There are various important days in our life, traditional celebration or celebrating the important days of our life, all will be featured in Food of Life. The show will document the life stories through the different feel for the food, thus brings out the different tastes of the food and life.
Food Of Life 百味人生 - EP2
47 Mins
There are various important days in our life, traditional celebration or celebrating the important days of our life, all will be featured in Food of Life. The show will document the life stories through the different feel for the food, thus brings out the different tastes of the food and life.
Food Of Life 百味人生 - EP3
46 Mins
There are various important days in our life, traditional celebration or celebrating the important days of our life, all will be featured in Food of Life. The show will document the life stories through the different feel for the food, thus brings out the different tastes of the food and life.
Food Of Life 百味人生 - EP4
47 Mins
There are various important days in our life, traditional celebration or celebrating the important days of our life, all will be featured in Food of Life. The show will document the life stories through the different feel for the food, thus brings out the
ood Of Life 百味人生 - EP5
44 Mins
There are various important days in our life, traditional celebration or celebrating the important days of our life, all will be featured in Food of Life. The show will document the life stories through the different feel for the food, thus brings out the different tastes of the food and life.
Food Of Life 百味人生 - EP6
43 Mins
There are various important days in our life, traditional celebration or celebrating the important days of our life, all will be featured in Food of Life. The show will document the life stories through the different feel for the food, thus brings out the different tastes of the food and life.
Food Of Life 百味人生 - EP7
43 Mins
The coming-of-age ritual is a ceremony for youngsters of a certain age moving towards the stage of being an adult. The feast at the post ritual ceremony varies from persons and places, the food keeps people closely bonded, while the new adults celebrate with food on moving to the next stage of life. 成礼是轻人满一定的龄时,告别稚嫩,迈向成人阶段的仪式。成礼仪式结束后的聚餐活动,因地而异,因人而异,通过分享美食把人与人之间的感情紧密相连,以百味美食庆贺新成人接受生命的转变,步入人生新阶段。
Food Of Life 百味人生 - EP8
45 Mins
Temple fair is a gathering at the temple with ritual and recreational activities and a religious custom of many countries. Food is one of the key elements during the fair. People worship deities as if they are present, offering a variety of food to pray for protection, peace, health and prosperity. 庙会,在寺庙聚会,进行祭神和娱乐的活动,是不少国家的民间宗教风俗。在庙会中,美食是不可或缺的元素之一,人们祭神如神在,以百味美食供奉,祈求平安健康,祈福祈愿祈求庇护,寄托着人们渴望丰衣足食的愿望。
Food Of Life 百味人生 - EP9
45 Mins
A person's life begins with the first cry and this new life will experience the joy and sorrow in life and the taste of life. Birthday is a day to mark a mother's suffering from giving birth. Besides sending birthday messages, most people will celebrate one's birthday with sumptuous meal every year. 人的一生从一声啼哭开始。一声啼哭,一个新生命来到世上,他将经历人生的悲欢离合,尝尽人生百味。生日是母难之日。人们感怀一眨眼又度过一,每在他的诞生日, 人们会以百味美食为他庆生, 献上祝语为他祝贺。
Food Of Life 百味人生 - EP10
46 Mins
Marriage is a big event in life and wedding banquet is an important part of the wedding to leave deep impression among the guests. The grand feast is hosted by the new couple to celebrate their union and also to express their gratitude to friends and relatives for their blessings through good food. 结婚是人生大事,婚宴是婚礼中给宾客留下印象中的重要环节,新人以百味美食招待尽可能做到宾主尽欢,在喜宴上要表达对亲友的感谢,亲友在喜宴上传到对新人的祝福和嘱托。喜宴是婚礼中答谢宾客而举办的隆重宴席。
Food Of Life 百味人生 - EP11
47 Mins
There are various important days in our life, traditional celebration or celebrating the important days of our life, all will be featured in Food of Life. The show will document the life stories through the different feel for the food, thus brings out the different tastes of the food and life.
Food Of Life 百味人生 - EP12
44 Mins
There are various important days in our life, traditional celebration or celebrating the important days of our life, all will be featured in Food of Life. The show will document the life stories through the different feel for the food, thus brings out the different tastes of the food and life.
Food Of Life 百味人生 - EP13
46 Mins
There are various important days in our life, traditional celebration or celebrating the important days of our life, all will be featured in Food of Life. The show will document the life stories through the different feel for the food, thus brings out the different tastes of the food and life.