对自由新闻撰稿人Thom(David Moretti饰演)而言,小镇上接连不断的离奇裸杀男尸案,似乎让他嗅到了不一样的气息。为什么每位受害者脖子上,都有着神秘的伤口?而且都呈现失血的状态?更奇怪的是,所有的线索都将Thom带往镇上一家私人的男子俱乐部---能够满足男人心底最深层、黑暗慾望的Th Lair。难道俱乐部里有什么不可告人的秘密吗?
不料,Thom爱吃醋的男友Jonathan(Jesse Cutlip饰演)竟以为Thom在俱乐部里有了新对象而推开The Lair的大门,谁晓得竟一去不回!当Thom发现自己再也不能置身事外的同时,越往案件核心接近,他将面临的,不仅是求血若渴的吸血鬼聚会,更包含围绕在远古既存族群的背叛与伤害,以及一段命中注定的,逝去的爱...
The Lair is a private gay club run by vampires, who use the club as a source for attractive young men to feed from. Thom, a local journalist in the small island town begins digging into the anonymous bodies turning up drained of blood, endangering his boyfriend and coming to the attention of the head vampire, Damian, who sees Thom as the reincarnation of his own dead lover. The Lair is an original series, from US specialty channel Here Tv, with a first season of six 27-minute episodes. Written by Muybridge