双X:这个游戏的名称 Double X: The Name of the Game (电影剧情)

双X:这个游戏的名称 Double X: The Name of the Game,介绍海报
主演: null
集数: 年份: 1992
类型: 惊悚
导演: Shani S. Grewal
编剧: null

双X:这个游戏的名称 Double X: The Name of the Game剧情介绍

AnAmerican(MichaelCooper)arrivesataquietScottishhotelwherehemeetsanEnglishman(MauriceRigby).AsMauricewalksouttowardshiscaritsuddenlyexplodes!!CooperpicksupRigbywhotellshimTheMobistryingtokillhim.ThisisastoryofBritishgangstersinthe90's,betrayaland"DoubleCross".WrittenbySteveCrook{[email protected]}

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