- 179次浏览你好 Salaam Namaste
- 119次浏览财星高照 The Horse\'s Mouth
- 9次浏览吓死杰西卡 Let\'s Scare Jessica to Death
- 63次浏览1968年困惑的夏天 Varljivo leto \'68
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- 523次浏览捕蝇纸 Flypaper
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- 76次浏览鬼见愁 鬼見愁
- 162次浏览鼠患 Rats
- 195次浏览灰飞烟灭 No Smoking
- 121次浏览凌晨两点半
- 170次浏览Shark Tale
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- 195次浏览Metamorphosis
- 122次浏览缘份 Hello
- 239次浏览Flying By
- 98次浏览美国佬 Yankee
- 101次浏览噢,上帝 OH,God!
- 117次浏览暗剑
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- 81次浏览鬼见愁 Sorrowful to a Ghost
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- 172次浏览The Unknown Man
- 147次浏览出山
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- 152次浏览哈利·波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer\'s Stone
- 68次浏览忠犬八公的故事 Hachi: A Dog\'s Tale